When you're teething, everything looks like a gum soothing possibility.
The lacquered wooden table, the rim of a chair, chess pieces, playing cards, headphones, glasses, all are variations on the basic tooth extruding algorithm. In fact, this is a fantastic representation of mechanical adaptation and learning. Code Name Alice grabs something, tests it's basic attributes against a set of requirements such as texture, size and malleability, and, once the object has exhausted all measure of usability, she exchanges it for another. It's a great system and I applaud her ingenuity but, lately, her audacity is becoming problematic.
Sleep Deprivation Ninja: Hey baby girl! What's up? Ooh, you want to give daddy a hug? Ah, that's the sweetest thing, a nice big hug. AAAAAAHHHH, she's got my neck!
Code Name Alice: Num-num-num!
Solar Dancer: Oh, you're such a baby. Give her up... Hey sweety... ahhhHHGH MA NOBES!
CNA: Num-num-num!
SDN: Um... do you mean nose. It looks like she has your nose.
SD: Mai NOBES!!!
CNA: Num-num-num!
This is more problematic when we try to socialize her with folks her age. She has been trying to eat all her friends... and strangers.
Next ninja lesson for CNA: Bite of Tranquility (it's gentle but effective)